Trap House represents all the people in America that TRAP. Trappin
is defined by Trap House as any form of hustle that makes you
money, and they make clothes for people that Trap All Day & Party
All Night. Whether you work a 9-5 or just get money, you T.R.A.P. =
To Rise Above Poverty. And that's their motto. We All Trap.... in
different ways but for the same reasons.
Trap House was born from the streets of Los Angeles. The owners started humble with the goal of changing their lives, sharing the secret of trapping, and making a statement to the public and the kids: don't be a follower. Follow Only Your Dreams.
Trap House was born from the streets of Los Angeles. The owners started humble with the goal of changing their lives, sharing the secret of trapping, and making a statement to the public and the kids: don't be a follower. Follow Only Your Dreams.